собственно как и обещала)3.49 they both look at each other and smile/ laugh. like an inside joke (взгляды)
1:34 "That's how Nathan keeps me under control" (вот как Натан держит меня под контролем))
1:59 I'm a party girl hey! I will never forget this!!! (Я люблю развлекатся)))) И где то ту он положил руку ей на колено
2:17 "I notice they have a happy face on it eh" "did you say eh?" "no"(shy face) (опять сачтливые лица))
2:31 Stana tells Nathan about the jacket she likes (Она говорила что любит когда он одевает тот пиджак))
LOL, something went wrong, but it was around 02:40 obviously
2:44 The host "they are together, so they dress alike"
3:45 "I just hope all my enemies and ex-gf see it" Stana's face and how Stanathan exchange a look. ("Надеюсь твоя экс увидит это интервью" Стана )
The moment at 3:49 was definitely the cutest! Awhhhhhh! (милый момент)
5:38 "Is he sexy" "Absolutely, KB wont admit to it" "but you will?" "I will, yeah definitely!"
5:49 D canadian thing, exchange looks again (канадские шутки)
6:00 Stana all excited about the *first date* (вот как раз о том пекрвом свидании. Нью Йорке и т.д))))
6:32 "Is that - DURAN DURAN!!!!" (Syn moment, so cute) (И да, я о Дюран Дюран писаала тоже не с потолка))))))))
6:45 : "That's the best first date ever!" (Это ыбло лучшее первое свидание!)
Nathan: Yeah it was cool.
Heh. Heh heh. Heh heh heh.
So cute how he puts his arm around her at 7:14
7:19 "Stana can play chemistry with a wet paper bag, I will play the wet paper bag" (Стана может сыграть любовь и с мусорным пакетом. Я хочу быть мусорным пакетом.)
And how he leans in at 7:22 !! You just got to LOVE them .
7:37 "Nathan is talented, lovely .... and gorgeous and genius ..." "That'll do Stana" Стана говрит что Натан её любимый... партнер)
at 7.40 Stana was saying about him being kind and loving ..co star. looks like she stopped herself saying something else
or maybe I'm just imagining it all
11:55 "Let the universe to take care of the rest, RIGHT UNIVERSE?" LMAO (И пусть вселенная обо всем позаботится)
The look on Nathan's face at 12:22- 12:28 was like ' when we leave here I will screw your brains out, eh' lol... they belong together on and off screen.
13:15 "Be sure to watch Castle on ABC" moment
13.23 she was going to lean her head on his shoulder but remembered the camera was there
14:22 Stana turn to Nathan "Which one should I do" and start to sing "Dream a little dream of me”
14:43 “Dream a little dream of him” “Get my feet!”
14:52 Stana comfortably rests her hand on Nathan’s knie.
What a cute couple