See, when you’re gone, I’ll still be Bloody Mary (с) ///Do not let the bitterness steal youre sweetnees.
Очень позитивная серия))) :evil:
Наконец у Касла и Беккет хорошо запутанное дело))) Очень позитивно)
а теперь главное - ххххххххххххиииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииттттттррррррррюююгаааааааааааааааа!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Хитрюга, хитрюга Касл!)))))))))))))

(Касл Алескис)- Perfect,because do you know what's playing at the Angelika? Hmm. "Forbidden Planet."Leslie Nielsen, long before his comic glory.
Беккет Каслу:
- I was thinking of sneaking off to the Angelika. "Forbidden Planet" is playing.
- "Forbidden Planet"? Is, uh... is that the one with the robot?
- You've never seen "Forbidden Planet"?
- More of a "Star Wars," "Matrix" guy myself.
- Oh, my gosh. Castle, this is the movie that inspired those two. That's it. I'm taking you.
- My treat. Oh, no, no. I-I, uh, I have plans.
- Nope, not anymore.
- All right. Well, can I have, uh, candy and popcorn?
- Sure.
- Oh, Castle, you're gonna love this. This is Leslie Nielsen before he became a comic genius.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Can we stop at Remy's for burgers after?
- Now you're pushing it.
- Oh.
- I'm kidding. So it starts off at the beginning of the 23rd century...

Блииин, весь диалог это нечто))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Обаятельнийшая хитрюга!)))))))))))))

та самая песня))))